The predecessor to Svensktoppen (Swedish Top Chart)
was De tio which was started by the pirate radiostation
Radio Nord on 12th November 1961. After the closure
of Radio Nord the program idea was taken over by The
Swedish Radio, there Svensktoppen started 13th October
1962 as a feature on the radio program Svensklördag
(Swedish Radio Channel 1). That time they were in
Svärtinge Folkets Park (Public Park) in Östergötland and
with help of mentometer buttons allowed the audience
to vote. The first ever Swedish top set was Midnattstango
with Lasse Lönndahl. After just over a month on 10th
November 1962, Svensktoppen became an independent
radio program and it´s still being broadcast on Sundays
in any language provided that the text is written by a Swedish citizen,
and that it is in the original (both music and text).